Creative process

Creative process

Here, we are showing you how we come from an idea, a need, a concept, all the way to the realisation of the piece. A step by step that illustrate how far can a simple idea can reach, from a few lines, to a beautiful wooden creation.

We shall use two different projects to show you all the steps of that creative process that we follow in order to bring the best out of a single idea.

1. From the idea/need
1. From the idea/need
For example, for Radi4, 4 functions were required: ladder, display, storage and showcase. How can we bring these together and what kind of aesthetics are we seeking for?
3. Modelling in 3D
We create a 3D model in order to verify on general aesthetic, functionality and proportions
2. To the sketch book
Using a good old pencil, sketches and artistic projections are being created in order to visualize the future project.
2. To the sketch book
Using a good old pencil, sketches and artistic projections are being created in order to visualize the future project.
3. Modelling in 3D
We create a 3D model in order to verify on general aesthetic, functionality and proportions
4. Planning
Computer blueprints are being produced to complement the process of elaboration.
4. Planning
Computer blueprints are being produced to complement the process of elaboration.
5. Woodworking

Here comes the obvious and yet understated woodwork: from a careful selection of the wood, it’s origin is accounted for. We do care in using local species of wood and attempt at respecting the moon cycles in order to fell the wood in its optimum conditions.
Follows the sizing, glueing and final assembly of the piece. The last touches are the finishes, we are combining a blend of traditional finishes with more modern eco-friendly brands that offer the best quality finishes, ensuring a healthy for the future of the wood and it’s human companions.

6. Use and enjoy
What else to say? Aesthetics and functions united